Extended session of the modernization and transformation Council with the participation of Sole shareholder – JSC “Samruk-Kazyna”, members of the directors Council and Board of the company was held in JSC “NC KazMunaiGaz” (KMG). JSC NC “KazMunaiGaz” transformation program project presented by the KMG working group was reviewed on the session.
In his appearance, JSC “Samruk-Kazyna” Chairman of the Board Umirzak Shukeev, drew attention that within the frame of the transformation program, big tasks stand in front of the Fund and KMG, that were directed by the Head of state in strategy on Kazakhstan’s entry into the top thirty leading world power. “Today most of the Fund companies are already commercially viable but on return of capital, efficiency of investment, we substantially fall behind from world leaders. We are in acute need of deep transformation of all the activity of the Fund and subsidiary undertaking. All of our actions should be directed on value enhancement of our companies” – Umirzak Shukeev noted.
JSC “NC KazMunaiGas” Chairman of the Board Sauat Mynbayev defined key directions of the transformation program in KMG. It is exploration and production, refining, external assets management and corporate center. Discrete role is allocated for business direction “Exploration and production” in which one of the key initiative will be system installation of “Digital oil field”. It is planned that in frame of transformation program realization of the business direction “Exploration and production” receiving precise and regular data from the fields, effective exchange, consolidation and information flow analysis will be adjusted, which will allow to conclude effective management decisions.