September 29-30 within XI Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum Atyrau hosted the exhibition, devoted to innovations in hydrocarbon sector on the theme “Equipment and technical devices”. The exhibition was attended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev and the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin.
At exhibition LLP “KMG Drilling & Services” presented a mockup of the first Kazakhstan jack up drilling rig “Satty” (hereinafter – JR “Satti”).
When designing JUDR “Satti” the following innovative solutions for operations in the Kazakhstan sector of Caspian Sea were taken into account: decrease of transit draft of JUDR, location of water-intake facilities, clay treatment unit, etc. JUDR “Satti” is capable to construct wells with a depth up to 6000 m. in the sea depth from 50 up to 80 m.
Jack up drilling rig “Satti” is constructed on the shipyards of Mangystau region by contracting companies LLP “Caspian Offshore&Marine Construction” and LLP “Ersai Caspian Contractor”. At the moment 80 % of construction is complete.
Apart from the exhibition participants, there were Heads of Ministries, regions and leading oil and gas companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
Participation of “KMG Drilling & Services” LLP in exhibition was awarded with diplomas from the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.